Digital Identity Verification Engine Product Updates July 2024
Updates to the DIVE Web API, DIVE Online, and Web Portals.
- Additional API response fields (4) based on available barcode data (PDF417). This provides additional data points for measuring document accuracy.
- Additional API response field for identifying void markings like hole punches on identification documents. (IsInvalidated field)
- Enhanced results of document confidence scoring.
- Adjusted API error handling. We now provide a more detailed API response which facilitates interpretation of results.
- Bug fix for Common Access Card (CAC) field ("isBackOrSecondImageProcessingEnabled") value in the API response.
- For front-only submissions, the "isPDF417Success" field now returns null instead of false.
myDIVE Web Portal
- Ability to view setting configurations used for all submissions. Users can find these in the "Request Details" or "Reviewable Submissions."
- Ability to set Transaction management for subaccounts via the portal. Parent accounts can now customize :
- Total number of scans allocated via the myDIVE web portal. This new feature is available by clicking on "Sub Accounts" > Actions > "Manage Transactions"
- Child account access to Transaction Management feature.
- Line Graph of success rate on the "Overview" page. This allows for a yearly view of success rates.
- In the "Verification Requests" page, "Validation Request ID" has been renamed to "Verification Request ID"
- "Shufti Result" box is now removed in North American submissions.
- Improved search filters in "Reviewable Submissions" and "Verification Requests".
- Labeling of "Request Status" column in "Verification Requests." Users can see the Requests labeled as "Succes", "Pending", "Expired", and "Failed."
- Bug fix: Users can see all license keys created.
DIVE Online
- Ability to submit only the front of identification documents (OCR). This is customizable and available on the "UI Customization" page.
- Access to the DIVE Online portal is determined by user permissions. Non-admins are limited to accessing "Statistics" and "Verification Requests" in the portal.
- Update of Web Library to 2.10.0. UI Updates including improved user guidance for submission of ID and selfie images.
- "Notify By SMS" renamed to "Notify by SMS/Email" on the "Verification Requests" page.
- Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) Questions in "Verification Results" purge according to data retention settings.