VeriScan for Windows
Discover everything you need to know about VeriScan for Windows, including setup, installation, scanning, troubleshooting, and documentation.
- How do I use Authentication with VeriScan for Windows?
- How can I refine what is shown in scan results?
- What is Barcode Security Check?
- How does VeriScan's Barcode Security Check compare to VeriScan Authentication?
- What kind of alerts are available in VeriScan and what do they mean?
- How can I tell when a visitor is using someone else's ID?
- How can I track when my visitors enter and exit, and also measure their visit duration?
Classic VeriScan
Getting Started
- VeriScan for Windows First-Time Setup
- VeriScan For Windows Cloud-User Upgrade
- VeriScan For Windows Local-Only Upgrade
- How can I get help to troubleshoot issues with VeriScan for Windows?
- How do I know when M500 maintenance is needed?
- How do I fix a License Error in VeriScan for Windows?
- Document Collector Guide
- What do I do if I get an error while attempting to update?