Access essential ParseLink resources, covering subscription management, installation, setup, billing, scanning configurations, and troubleshooting.
Device Management
- How do I use the ParseLink device management portal?
- How do I license my devices with the ParseLink Device Management portal?
- How do I connect my scanner to ParseLink?
- How do I map profiles to certain applications automatically?
- How do I create a profile for ParseLink?
- How can I map dropdown menus better in the ParseLink profile editor?
- How do I configure which Authentication results appear before my ParseLink profile is run?
- How do I save Authentication results after each scan?
- How do I control how images are stored while using an Image Reader with ParseLink?
- How do I separate the address field into individual lines?
- What do each of the fields in ParseLink's Profile Editor represent?
Getting Started
- How do I sign up for a new ParseLink subscription?
- How do I upgrade from WizzForms to ParseLink?
- How do I install ParseLink on my PC?
- How do I modify my ParseLink subscription?
- How do I cancel my ParseLink subscription?
- How do I change my ParseLink device quantity?
- How do I change my ParseLink tier?
- How do I change my ParseLink billing cycle?
Installation and Maintenance
- ParseLink System Requirements
- How do I setup ID Authentication on my ParseLink app?
- How do I set up IdentiFraud with ParseLink?
- How can I suppress the M280 hotkey in ParseLink?
- How to sign up for's ID scanning for Cloudbeds
- How do I enable automatic updates in ParseLink?
- What does the notification indicator on my tray icon mean?