How do I integrate VeriScan with I Heart Jane?

VeriScan automates ID checks and adds customers to the Jane POS Queue. Integrate via webhooks, match profiles by ID number, and flag expired IDs for re-validation.

Documentation from I Heart Jane


VeriScan handles the ID authentication and age checks, removing the manually intensive steps for a front desk employee or security guard.
Customers checked in with the VeriScan application will be automatically added to the JPOS Queue, saving time and increasing operational efficiencies.

Integration Requirements

  • Partners will need to create a VeriScan account and choose a subscription tier. All pricing tiers are supported and can be found here
  •  The VeriScan application is compatible with Windows, Android, and iOS (unavailable for Sunmi devices), partners will be responsible for sourcing their own hardware and downloading the application from the respective app store
  • JPOS partners must be using the Queue (old or new) to use this integration

How to Enable/Configure

  1. From the Jane POS Portal, navigate to Settings select Integrations and clickThird Party Integrations to create a new integration.
  2. Choose ‘VeriScan’ and save, which will generate the Callback URL and Authorization token needed.
    • Make sure to copy both.
      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.11.14 PM.png 
  3. Next, you’ll sign into VeriScan. Once logged in, go to Integrations and click Webhooks
  4. Select Add Endpoint to show the new endpoint modal. The Callback URL generated on Jane will be pasted into the Link field.
  5. You can then choose Add Header within the modal and paste the Authorization in. 
    • Make sure you fill in the Header Name field with Authorization and include Bearer before the token in the Value field.
      Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.14.17 PM.png 
  6. Once all fields are filled out, hit Create Endpoint.
    • Once created, it will be disabled by default
    • You can select the toggle under the column labeled Active in order to enable it

How to use VeriScan with JPOS

  1. Use the VeriScan application to scan the ID.
    Screenshot_20240328_125934_VeriScan Cloud.jpg 
  2. If the ID is valid and/ or not expired:
    1. If there is an exact match, the customer will automatically appear in the Jane POS Queue
    2. If there is not an existing profile that matches, the customer will appear as a Guest in the Jane POS Queue
      1. For Guest customers, the name and DOB will appear as a note when starting a new bag:
        Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3.10.23 PM.png 
  3. If the ID is invalid or expired:
    1. Expired IDs will be flagged on the VeriScan app
    2. The customer will not be added to the queue, and partner will need to ask for a new/valid ID

Screenshot_20240328_125857_VeriScan Cloud.jpg

Important considerations

  1. In order to check-in an existing customer profile, our integration looks at the ID Number on the JPOS customer profile.
    Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 2.12.45 PM.png 
    1. If this field matches what was scanned, i.e., Driver’s License #, we’ll match based on the value provided by VeriScan and check in the existing profile.
    2. **If the field is BLANK, we will create a new Guest entry in the queue. Since this is the most unique value we can match against, we suggest using common forms of ID for profiles. 
  2. There’s currently a ~40 second refresh time on the queue, if the customer entry hasn’t populated yet, click the Refresh button to refresh Customers.
    Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 3.23.26 PM.png 
  3. The VeriScan integration is compatible for the old check-in queue and the new check-in queue.
  4. VeriScan supports Passports and all US issued state IDs/licenses. It does not support all foreign IDs.
  5. We only support one ID Number for a customer profile, meaning if a regular comes in with a passport instead of their usual DL, the integration won’t find and match against their existing profile as it’s a different document ID number.