How do I use Authentication with VeriScan for Windows?
Authentication catches 95+% of fake IDs using specialized scanners and VeriScan for Windows (v3.4x+)
Once you have determined that Authentication is right for you, you will need to take some steps to get it working properly:
Purchase compatible scanning hardware
Subscribe to the ID Authentication tier
Enable and configure in VeriScan Cloud's Local Settings
License specific device(s) to run Authentication
Download and install VeriScan for Windows with ASDK module
Sign in with the Authentication-enabled device credentials
Purchase compatible scanning hardware
VeriScan for Windows works with a range of devices that can take high-resolution scans in white, ultraviolet, and infrared light, and you can find them here in our store. We recommend pairing this hardware with a Windows device that meets these specifications.
Subscribe to the ID Authentication tier
Currently, you should contact your account rep to purchase Authentication. Pricing is per device.
Enable & configure Authentication in Local Settings
In Settings > Local Settings > Authentication, you will need to first enable the engine and change any of the options available. Strictness level determines when a warning is shown, and we recommend Balanced, though you can tweak if needed.
Run Authentication options include running it for every ID, based on a minimum age and on demand, or only on demand.
License specific device(s) to run Authentication
In Access Management > Devices, you will need to designate which device(s) will run Authentication and toggle it on to use one of your ID Authentication licenses.
Download & install VeriScan for Windows with ASDK module
Download the latest version of VeriScan for Windows using the cloud installer. Make sure to check the ASDK Data Module in the Components tab during installation.
Sign in with the Authentication-enabled device credentials
Open VeriScan for Windows and in Settings > Help > License, enter the credentials for the device you enabled for Authentication, and click Connect. It is critical that each device has its own device credentials.
After you are successfully connected to your account, you will see a Success message, and your License Status will be updated. Once you see ASDK in the top bar, your software is ready to run Authentication.