How do I modify my ParseLink subscription?

How to change your tier, add more devices, or change your expiration date.

Table of Contents

Logging In To Your Account

To get started managing your subscription, log into your account. Under My Products, you should see the subscription dashboard for ParseLink.

Clicking on the Subscription Dashboard will take you to a tool where you can edit your ParseLink subscription, tier, and number of devices.

Clicking on the ParseLink > button will take you to the device management portal.

Subscription Dashboard

Click on the Subscription Dashboard button, or navigate to Billing > Dashboard, to access the subscription management tools. You should see an overview of your current subscription, along with and payment methods, credit balances, and payments made on your account.

To change your subscription, click on the Edit Subscription button and select from the options in the dropdown menu. If you need to change more than one of these options, be sure to select to change your Subscription Tier. Your subscription can be edited in the following ways: