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How can I manage access alerts for visitors I haven't scanned yet?

A guide to the alert list, using standard and inverted logic, to allow or deny access to users based on preset criteria.

Alert List Setup

Alert List Tab

Import Alert List Tab

Alert Configuration

Check Alert List

Alert List Logic Type



Offline Alerts for Android Scanners

Alert List Setup

To add visitor information to the Alert List, go to the Alerts page on the VeriScan Cloud Portal.

Alert List Tab

Here you can search your current alert list, add and remove users, and manage alerts. 

Click on the blue Add Alert button to add a new single user to the list.

A popup window will appear with the fields you can tie to each alert list record.

Group is required, as this is the intended category that applies to the visitor at the time of the scan. 

It is not required to place the visitor into a group.

The group will not be assigned automatically.

Date Range can be specified to only show an alert if the current date is within the date range. If no date is selected, the alert will apply indefinitely.

Searchable Fields can be configured in the add alert popup. You can control which fields are checked against in the VeriScan Cloud Portal under Settings > Local Settings > Alerts.

Searchable Fields include:

  • First Name
  • ID Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Last Name
  • State

After you click the Add Alert button, the visitor should appear in the record below:

Import Alert List Tab

Here you can bulk upload an alert list using a CSV file. There are two upload options:

  • Append
    • Adds the new list to the existing list.
    • Slower, but ensures that no visitor Alert List assignments are lost.
  • Remove All and Bulk Insert
    • Replaces the existing list with the new one.
    • Faster, but previously entered visitor Alert List assignments are lost permanently.

You can upload a CSV file or download a template from the VeriScan Cloud Portal under Alerts > Import Alert List.

User permissions for appending and replacing the Alert List can be configured independently. Learn more about User Permissions.

Alert Configuration

To get stared, log into the VeriScan Cloud portal and navigate to Settings > Local Settings > Alerts. From this menu, you can enable and configure all alerts available to you in the VeriScan application.

In the right-hand column, you can configure specific settings for the Alert List

Check Alert List

Check the ID against the alert list for matches.

Enable the toggle under Check Alert List to enable the alert list.

You can select which criteria to check against.

The available options to check against are:

  • First Name + Last Name
  • Last Name Only
  • ID Number + State
  • ID Number Only
  • First Name + Last Name + Date of Birth

Alert List Logic Type

Set the alert list logic type to define how the alert list will work.


  • This is the classic alert list type.
  • Functions as a "Banned" list.
  • Alert shows regardless of the visitor's currently assigned group.

If the visitor is not on the list:

  • No Alert is shown.

After an ID is scanned, you will see the visitor profile of the user normally.

If the ID matches information on the alert list:

  • Show an Alert

The alert consists of the Group and optionally the Comment set in the Alert List menu.



  • This is the new alert list type.
  • Functions as an "Allowed Access" list.
  • The alert is NOT SHOWN if the user is assigned to a group.
  • A secondary alert may show if the visitor is in a group with the "Alerts" toggle enabled.

Inverted Alert List logic is not supported when the device is offline. Keep your devices connetced to the internet and make sure to disable offline alert lists on your devices.

If the visitor is found on the alert list and the visitor is assigned to a group:

  • If the Group has "Alerts" enabled:
    • No Alert is shown.
  • If the Group has "Alerts" disabled:
    • A Group popup is shown.
After an ID is scanned, you will see the visitor profile of the user normally.


If the visitor is found on the alert list and the visitor is not in a group:

  • Show an Alert

The alert consists of the Group and optionally the Comment set in the Alert List menu.

If the visitor is not found on the alert list:

  • Show a "No Access" alert.

This alert will trigger regardless of whether the visitor is assigned to a group or not.


Offline Alerts for Android Scanners

Due to how the inverted alert list logic functions, it is not possible to have an "offline" version of the access list. In order to get the most out of the inverted access list, your device must always be connected to the internet. 

  • Standard Alert List Logic:
Offline Alerts Supported
  • Inverted Alert List Logic:
Offline Alerts Not Supported

To disable the Offline Alert List in the VeriScan for Android app on your handheld scanner, navigate to ☰ Menu > Settings > Warning Popups and disable the Offline Alert List toggle.