VeriScan Product Updates July 2024
1 update to VeriScan for Windows, 1 update to VeriScan Cloud
VeriScan Cloud - 1.2407.16.2 | 2024-07-18
- In History, you can configure columns to include Scanner Model and VeriScan App Version so you can easily find important context for each scan.
- Third Party Checks tab is available for a scan from any app, including Android and iOS VeriScan apps
- Ability to require an Admin PIN to run Third Party Checks from VeriScan for Windows app
- Ability to set a user expiration date when creating or editing a portal user
- Support for timer and scan-count based M500 calibration and cleaning warnings
- Group updates now available in History CSV exports
- Barcode Security Check to ensure a unified response from all VeriScan applications
- Display of vertical documents to fit the screen without requiring scrolling
- Photos from Android and iOS VeriScan apps now appear in portal history and visitors as profile photos
- Text of Image Quality Alert matches what users see in VeriScan for Windows app
- Webhooks Request now shows the Response block and header even if the actual response is empty
- Issues with display and function of History filters
- Issue with Group Status filter in Groups
- Issue preventing This Visit scan summary from opening
- Optimized reporting
- Updated Third Party Checks service
- When In/Out Tracking is enabled, all currently IN visitors are marked as OUT
- Scan Status of WARNING changed to FLAGGED to match VeriScan for Windows app
- Updated parser version to 16.2407.11.4
VeriScan for Windows - | 2024-7-16
- Double clicking on the fail reason in the results banner will automatically open the associated test in the Details tab.
- Support for ASDK 3.16.
- Fixed an issue where VeriScan would automatically swap to the Images tab after taking a photo with the M280. Auto-swapping to the Images tab will only happen if the setting ‘Preview ID images for each scan’ is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where VeriScan processes would continue running in the background after closing the app, which prevented it from being opened again.
- Fixed an issue where the Updates section was missing from the VeriScan app.
- Fixed an issue where the VeriScan installer would not launch when selecting Download in the Update Available pop-up.