VeriScan Product Updates September 2024

1 update to VeriScan for Windows.

VeriScan for Windows - | 2024-9-24


  • Unacceptable ID Types. You can now set which types of IDs will be deemed unacceptable. If an ID is scanned that is not on your acceptable ID type list, an alert pop-up will be displayed.
  • Alert for corrupted installations. VeriScan will now notify you when it has detected something wrong with your VeriScan installation. Repairing your VeriScan installation will fix the issue in most cases. Contact if you need assistance.
  • Able to drag and drop images from VeriScan using a touchscreen.
  • Progress indicator when submitting a support ticket.
  • Support for ASDK 3.18.


  • Minimized the quantity of authentication tests that appear on the Details tab when an ID fails to make the results easier to read.
  • Miscellaneous cosmetic changes.


  • Issue where the ‘Cloud Settings have been successfully updated’ message would appear multiple times.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.